Bull Collection

We collect every Monday and Thursday morning!
* As a CSS Certified facility, we offer several options in order to meet the needs of our customers and maintain the highest levels of biosecurity for export markets. Please contact our staff to decide which of our collection options best meets your needs.


Option 1 – Non-Health Tested Collection – We offer collection and housing of bulls that are not health tested. We do require that these bulls be collected via electro ejaculation.


Option 2- Isolation Level Collection – Bulls in our Isolation barns have completed a basic set of health tests and are eligible to be collected on mounts.  We recommend this level of testing, especially for clients planning to market semen or with larger orders per bull. Health testing can be done by your local veterinarian prior to arrival or we offer these services on site. Please click on the button below to view more information on health testing.  This document can also be printed off to take directly to your veterinarian.  We do offer these testing services on site every Tuesday for your convenience.


Option 3 – CSS Export Tested Collection – Health testing bulls for CSS-Export quality semen is a process that allows for semen to exportable to a variety of countries. The length of testing varies, but it is a minimum of 63 days before a bull clears the required testing. Collection for domestic semen can and should occur during this testing in our isolation barns. We ask that customers identify.

Call our office at (417) 736-2125 for easy scheduling
and to discuss collection options for your bull!

Download our Fillable Collection Contract
Download our Health Test Requirements for Option 2

Collection Fees

New Bull Entry Fee: $35.00
Miniature Bull Collection Fee (42" and Under): $25.00/Collection
Small Ruminant Collection Fee $25.00/Collection
Longhorn/Watusi Fee $25.00/Collection
Pre-Freeze Discard Fee: $50.00
Post-Thaw Discard Fee: $80.00

Per Straw Tiered Pricing
0-100 Straws:  $275.00 flat fee, then the next
100-500 straws $2.75/straw, then the next
501-1,000 straws $2.65/straw, the the next 
1,001 straws and up $2.55/straw

* Housing *
* $13.00/day on active collecting bulls$25.00/day for bulls not collecting (charge begins 8 days after order is filled.

* Vet Fees *
* Testing and Vet Fees - Billed to Bull Owner(s) as tests and vet work are performed.

* Sexed Semen *
* We now offer sexed semen options!  Call Aubrey to discuss options!

Call our office today for easy scheduling and to discuss collection options for your bull!


Contact Us

ShowMe Genetic Services

8134 E State Hwy C
Strafford, MO 65757

Phone: 417-736-2125​​
Email Us: shipping@showmegen.com

Website Design By Ranch House Designs, Inc.